Key Biscayne – Not Just A 'Fish Story' – The True Story!

August was the month of the swordfish. Those local nocturnal anglers who ventured out after dark with their lights and squid at the ready had a field day harvesting their limit and now for the icing on the cake swords have been caught in the daytime in deep water.

Dolphin, aka mahi mahi, were scarce the first part of the month but finally showed up as the period waned. Yellowfin tuna and Wahoo were plentiful in the Bahamas. Some fisherman tried to turn back the clock and went cuberra snapper fishing using lobster for bait. Cuberra fishing, once an annual August phenomenon, has become a lost art that died with the halcyon days of the fishing clubs.

With the approach of autumn, fishing should improve on all fronts. Enjoy!


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