Fannie / Freddie Take Over…Just The Facts

I will spare you the editorial comments on the Feds action to take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship over the weekend in favor of providing just the relevant facts.   Here is a link to the full story if you are interested.


Interest Rates

The Feds action will have a stabilizing effect on the conforming mortgage market in the short term.  Interest rates on those loans that are purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will come down (and perhaps dramatically) as a result of renewed investor confidence in these mortgages.  We may see the opposite effect on Jumbo and non-conforming loans as investor appetite will be siphoned off in favor of conforming mortgage backed securities.

Underwriting Guidelines

We may see further tightening of underwriting guidelines to the point where they are similar to those of FHA.  That being said for distressed markets like South Florida low down payment programs may come back at some time in the coming months.

Credit Markets

The long term effect on the credit markets should be positive which in turn will have a stabilizing effect on the economy as a whole.  There does exist a scenario where foreign appetite for US Treasury’s waines as a result of the Federal Government’s debt load but that remains to be seen.

Housing Market

Certainly lower interest rates will make it easier for buyers to qualify for purchase money mortgages which again should have a stabilizing effect on the housing market.  The stricter underwriting guidelines that we are currently operating under have made it difficult for some to qualify but the relief provided by lower interest rates will be a welcomed cure for many.  

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