When the Price is Right

money signIf you are considering selling your home the first question you must ask yourself is,”Am I serious about selling?”

If the answer is “Yes” then I am sure you will want to attract buyers and receive the highest possible purchase price for your home.

Pricing is crucial in today’s market.

An over-priced home gives the impression that you are not serious about selling.

Although, inventory is progressively decreasing there are still a lot of homes to choose from out there.  Serious buyers are aware of this and are doing their homework before making their next big purchase. It is safe to say that an overpriced home will often be overlooked not only by these buyers, but by realtors. Many buyers grow tired and frustrated with available housing, which includes short sales and foreclosures. That being said, a well-priced home that is just placed on the market is most likely to attract the pool of buyers  who have been shopping in your neighborhood. These homes will receive lots of activity, including showings and eventually offers. In some cases, if the area is in high demand we have seen bidding. Yes, even in this market homes do get sold over the listing price.

Remember to focus on data and trends and to check your emotions at the door. And most importantly choose a realtor, like myself, to help you sift through all of the numbers and get down to the realistic value of your home. I can provide you with market trends, statistics and recent sales to assist you in determining the correct price to market your property.

If you are interested in selling your home I would be happy to help you with the first steps. Contact me here.

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