We will do anything for our clients!

sarkofagus_lux_coffin.jpg Recently I received a phone call from a client asking if I’d be interested in selling some “property” for them once again. Well, this particular oppurtunity turns out to be 2 graves sites at Woodlawn Park Cemetery located at 3260 SW 8thSt. I know, I know, you want to hear more! OK if you insist. These specific plots are special because they are double depth…so you are getting two for the price of one! The things we do to keep our clients happy! I have always believed it is crucial that we do everything we can for our clients. If anybody is interested or knows of someone interested in being the proud owner of the property that will last you an after-lifetime, please let me know. My understanding is that my client can sell these for much less than what the cemetery is charging for less desireable plots. Apparently it is all about LOCATION even for your final resting place!

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