The Meaning of Rosh Hashanah**HAPPY HOLIDAYS**

We are celebrating one of the most important religious holidays, Rosh Hashanah. It remembers the creation of the world. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means the “head of the year.” It is also called the Feast of the Trumpets. The blowing of a ram’s horn, a shofar, proclaims Rosh Hashanah, and summons Jews to religious services.

Foods accompany typically  will be over two loaves of bread, known as Challah  (the round shape symbolizes a crown, a reminder of the kingship of God also stands for the circle of life, and the hope that our lives endure without end.

We can’t  leave begin the Apples dipped in honey it symbolizes the hope for a “sweet year”

Jewish people  used the ram’s horn as a trumpet in Biblical times to announce the new moon, holidays, and war. Today, a variety of horns are used, including curved antelope horns.Rosh HashanahRoshHashanah[1]

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