The Alhambra Orchestra Presents a Free Concert

The Alhambra Orchestra, Miami’s Community Orchestra, presents free concerts for the community. On Sunday, March 13th, the concert will feature concertos performed by the young musicians who are the winners of the Alhambra Concerto Competition. This is a valuable opportunity for music students to perform a concerto with an orchestra, rather than with a piano accompaniment. The program includes Beethoven, Glazunov, Tchaikovsky, and Mendelssohn. The concert will take place at 7:30 PM at The Ransom Everglades School 3575 Main Highway Coconut Grove. This is a very family friendly concert experience and a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to classical music. Children are so engaged when they watch someone close to their age performing.

The Alhambra Orchestra March 13th,  2016

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