Summertime Money-Saving Tips

Ways to Save Money on Your House

I think we all open that bill from Florida Power and Light with trepidation. As the summer heat endures we depend on our air conditioners like a fish does water, and for that, we pay!

There are many ways to fight the bill that are free or very inexpensive we all can do. And there are some bigger-ticket actions we can take.

Here are some no or low-cost measures for keeping the electric bill lower:

  • Turn things OFF! We have so many appliances and electronics that sit in “ready” mode that we don’t use every day. Think about what doesn’t need to be plugged in all the time. A great example is your cellphone charger which always draws a trickle of power.
  • Turn off lights and ceiling fans when nobody is in the room. The slight boost when turned back on is negligible and equals less than staying on all the time. And make sure those fans are blowing air DOWN.
  • Lock your windows. Most windows have a weather seal no matter what type they are, and locking them makes the contact tighter. Also, make sure the window and door seals are in good shape and not worn down or misshapen.
  • Close a/c registers in unused rooms, or at least lessen the flow of cool air into those rooms.
  • Adjust drapes and shades to keep direct sunlight out of the house.
  • Hang-dry your laundry outdoors on sunny days.
  • Close the damper if you have a wood-burning fireplace.

For a little money the following can decrease your bill:

  • Let’s assume you already change your a/c filters monthly. Now consider shading – not blocking –  that compressor outside from the direct burning sunshine.
  • Install ceiling fans where there are none. Did you know the fan doesn’t actually lower the tempurature, but the moving air and drying moisture (think sweat) makes you feel cooler.
  • Shade – not block – the unit’s outdoor compressor.
  • Install refective films on windows and/or consider solar screens.

The more expensive fixes undoubtedly have the most impact over time, so if you can’t do these immediately think about getting to them when you can.

  • Plant shade trees, specifically on the south and west sides of your property
  • Insulation:  Make sure you have insulation at least in the attic. It’s estimated that undiscovered openings in walls, floors and the roof account for about 45% of cooling loss.
  • Tankless Hot Water Heaters:  Because these provide hot water only when it’s needed, they remove the need for a big tank of hot water waiting to be used.
  • Energy Efficient Windows:    These stop unwanted cooling loss and they can also block harmful UV rays that fade carpets and furniture. 
  • Water Circulation System:  How much water goes down the drain while you are waiting for it to warm up?  It’s estimated that about 25 to 30 gallons of water daily can be wasted  this way, 10,000 to 14,000 gallons annually.   A water circulation system automatically recirculates colder water back to your water heater until it’s hot enough for use.

I’ve been playing a game with FPL for years. Every month I try to lower my bill, even if it’s only by $1. The satisfaction I get is, as they say, priceless!

If you have real estate needs I’m here for you. Call me at 305 794.6570 or leave me a message here.

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