School’s Out For Summer! Now What?

Most schools in Miami Dade County have been out for over a week.  Now that cleaning out book bags, desks and drawers of last year’s school stuff is done and sleeping in and laying around the pool is becoming old hat, what is there to do in the hot, humid Miami summer?  Lots!

Aside from the obvious of visiting beaches and Matheson Hammock, there are lots of activities offered for children of all ages.  Since it is still early in the summer, I am focusing on outdoor activities first.

Pinecrest Gardens has a Splash and Play, Petting Zoo and fish feeding pond.

Miami Dade Parks Eco-Adventures offers kayaking, canoeing, bike riding, and snorkeling at a many different parks.

Amelia Earhart Park has a wakeboarding/waterskiing facility as well as a the Bill Graham Farm Village with livestock and all sorts of activities revolving around farm life.

If you have a favorite outdoor summer activity, please share it in the comments section.

Indoor summer activities will be featured in a later post.

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