Plantation is a great place to be! Did you know that……..

Plantation, FL is a GREAT place to live and now is a GREAT time to buy a home!

Plantation, FL has a population of 84,891 as of October 2006

Plantation, FL is 22.8 square milesPlantation, FL was incorporated in April 1953

Plantation, FL has a Housing Market with a mixture of single and multi-family dwellings ranging inc cost from $100,000 to over $2 Million

Plantation, FL is a subtropical climate with average rainfall of 62 inches and an annual average temperature of 75.4; winter mean temperature of 66.5 and summer mean temperature of 84.2

Plantation, FL has 37 parks and playgrounds, 6 golf courses and recreational programs for everyone!

Plantation, FL has 7 public elementary Schools, 2 public Middle Schools and 2 public High Schools and numerous private schools.Plantation, FL has a Median Household Income of $53,700

Plantation, FL has a Median Age of 37.9

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