Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay….Cell Phone Withdrawal Pains!

Palmetto Senior High School started off this school year, 2007-2008, with a new policy prohibiting the operation and use of any electronic device on campus. Can you imagine the student body without a cell phone or an iPod? Withdrawal Pains!

According to an article in the Pinecrest Tribune written by Jenna Heller, this was an entirely new concept for Palmetto Senior High School because students were accustomed to using cell phones during lunch, listening to iPods while walking through the halls, constantly texting and using calculators during English to finish their math homework.

School authorities feel the enforcement has gone very smoothly. Teachers, administrators, students and parents all agree that the atmosphere at Palmetto Sr High School is better and helping the school move toward a brighter future! Is this a new trend for other schools?

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