Peacocks in Palmetto Bay

peacock1.jpgWhile house hunting in Palmetto Bay last year, we became enamored with a neighborhood situated in a lush oak hammock just off of Old Cutler Road. Not only were the trees magnificent, but to our delight, there was a large flock of spectacular peacocks that that made their home in the area. We were sold!

Well, let me tell you a thing or two this homeowner has learned about peacocks. Yes, they are proud and beautiful creatures. They are also a gardener’s worst nightmare, eating every flower in sight. They squawk loudly and repeatedly before dawn. But my favorite peacock fact is that they are indiscriminate as to where they leave their large, wet personal “calling cards.” There’s nothing like rushing out the door to work to find an orange-size deposit on your car’s hood, or gracing your new white roof, or deposited squarely over your pool on the screened enclosure.

Palmetto Bay is lovely. The schools are exceptional; the parks inviting; the neighbors are friendly. But beware the peacocks!

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