Off to College

September is approaching and colleges are starting. Our children are leaving to become independent and we are left behind to deal with the transition from a full house to the new status of empty nester.

Last Saturday I had to say goodbye to my first son, he is now a freshman at College of Charleston.  Leaving him behind was the hardest thing but also the most rewarding experience.

Now back home to a new reality. My daughter is still with us for few more years so all is good. The house though seems already empty without my son and his friends around us, you know boys take up a lot of room!!

The life of an empty nester is a huge transition emotionally and logistically. I closely work with families that have gone through this major change, The big question is “should we move to a smaller home or keep the house for when they will be back with the grandchildren…!!??

It is a very personal and emotional decision, one thing that was interesting to hear at my son’s orientation, is they highly recommended to not do anything in the first 6 months to 1 year of freshman year.. Once students get adjusted and they see their new life as their new homes it is okay for the parents to take more impacting decisions.

Through my clients I have seen that most home owners decide to down size and choose properties with less maintenance which allow them to travel more freely and visit their children in their new location. At the end we need to realize that most of the children will end up moving to other places and we will want to visit them frequently.  If they come back they will have their own houses.

Well, luckily I am not there yet. I know my super active and energetic little girl will fill our home and I can stay put for few more years.

When the time will come, I will start the process.

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