News Release: City of Aventura

City of Aventura Supports National “Stop On Red” WeekNational "Stop on Red" Week

National “Stop on Red” Week runs from 8/2/09 – 8/8/09.   The City of Aventura supports this campaign and is committed to preventing accidents caused by running red lights which is one of the leading causes of traffic crashes.  Aventura encourages all drivers to promote a safe driving environment.

National “Stop on Red” Week was created by the Federal Highway Administration in 1995 with a goal to educate the public of the dangers of running red lights and to promote safe driving habits.  In recent studies by the Federal Highway Administration, 97% of drivers feel that other drivers running red lights are a major safety threat, and 1 in 3 people claim they personally know someone injured or killed in a red light running crash.

Stay informed by visiting the City of Aventura’s website or contact me at [email protected]

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