Musings in Aventura

To paraphrase that old Chinese curse “we are living in interesting times”.  It’s easy to let the news paralyze us but if we remember when FDR said “we have nothing to fear, except fear itself, we may be able to start making plans, start to change our outlook and look around the new world that we are now living in.

The White House Economic Advisor, Larry Summers, said today, that he thinks we may be seeing the light , again.  The only way to recovery, however, is to start taking advantage of the really great buys all around us.

When we have real value available, we should take advantage of it.  When people begin to buy homes again, the  economy will improve, as well as all the associated businesses, like construction, furniture, interior design, landscaping.

Yesterday I heard the story of a Landscaper in Coral Gables who started a commercial organic vegetable garden to supplement his income.  Great idea!  Now, when landscaping is needed again, he will have two businesses to add to his income.  New and wonderful ideas come to people in times like these.

Life must go on.  Progress should be made. Now is a great time to buy that larger house, at that greatly reduced price.

Contact me for any advice on buying or selling in this market!

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