Movies Under the Stars on Las Olas Boulevard returns October!

Movies Under the Stars on Las Olas Boulevard

Movies Under the Stars on Las Olas Boulevard

It’s funny…here in South Florida we gauge the success of a summer by the amount or non amount of hurricanes and storms that blow our way…So you could say we had a great summer! The weather will soon drop down a few notches and us spoiled  Floridian’s will embrace Fall’s cooler nights and venture past the safety of chilled A/C and venture more outside for entertainment…

How perfect then is it that “Movies Under the Stars”returns to Las Olas Boulevard in October with a new (back to school family friendly night) of Friday!

That’s right, grab your blankets and chairs for this FREE event hosted on the Riverside Lawn (between 6th and 8th Street) on Las Olas Boulevard…

What a perfect way to wind down the week, kick off your shoes, feel the grass between your toes, munch on some popcorn and just sit back and relax!

(Grown ups can pop inside the Riverside hotel for some adult libations :))

This Free event is made possible by the generosity of  the Las Olas Association, The Riverside Hotel, Magnum Opus Audio, Kilwin’s and many other kind local sponsors. So save the date, tell your friends and come chill-ax on the lawn with “Movies Under the Stars”

October 2nd @ 8pm “Charlotte’s Web”

October 16th @ 8pm “Happy Feet”

October 23rd @ 8pm “Tale of Despereaux”

October 30th @ 8pm “Casper the Friendly Ghost”

*click here for updates

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