Miami Real Estate Tips for Sellers

Miami Real Estate Tips

With this ever changing market, it’s hard to know exactly how to price your home when selling. But here is my best advice: list your home at a price fairly close to where you think it will realistically sell. We’ve just come out of a market where buyers felt they needed a “good deal”, so it was important to leave room on your price for negotiating. Those days are over. Buyers are educated and I find the more aggressively priced you are, the more activity you’ll have. Buyers are beating other buyers out by paying the price in order to get the house. Overpriced listings tend to sit – no one wants to offer on them anymore, and they probably end up selling for less than they could if they’d been priced correctly from the start! So, be realistic from the onset; look at the numbers; put your emotion aside; and listen to your realtor!

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