Miami-Dade Wi-Fi Hot Spots

Wi-Fi buttonWhether you’re a computer pro or not, chances are you have plenty of reasons to boot one up for a quick search or to send someone a note.

If you don’t happen to be at work or home sitting in front of your favorite CPU, wireless access to the Internet using your lap top is an option if you can find a convenient place to log on.

An Internet search for Wi-Fi spots in Miami-Dade will display a number of web sites listing local businesses that offer this service, but private enterprise isn’t the only game in town.

City and county governments are providing wireless services to attract visitors and enhance communities for local residents. The Village of Pinecrest offers free wireless access at Greer and Suniland parks. The Village of Palmetto Bay offers service at Perrine and Coral Reef parks. You might want to browse their websites or call for hours of operation or closures due to renovations or improvements.

The Miami-Dade Public Library System is now offering free access in public areas of Wi-Fi-enabled libraries. Their web site gives a full list of Wi-Fi-enabled branches as well as step by step instructions on how to get connected.








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