Miami Dade County Shows A Significant Drop of 35.4% In Inventory In The Last 15 Months!!

M280-01-01-0129-1-38-1B-200908M280-01-01-0129-1-38-06-200908This Is A Big Change!   It shows that people are buying because the prices reflect an understanding by the sellers of what the public will pay.  During this period properties sold increased by 24.8%.  Prices have met the market.

A decline in inventory of properties for sale combined with an increase in properties sold will force fresh inventory to fill the gap.

This is a better time to sell than it has been in two years.

The average price per square foot sold in AVENTURA  went up from 282 a square foot to 323 a square foot.  Good News.  AVENTURA  inventories are declining as well.

Look through my Home Search.  This is the best time to get a really good buy.  Prices will start to stabilize soon, and opportunities to buy at the bottom will disappear.

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