'Little Boxes' in the Kendall Burbs! Should I Stay or Should I Go???

There is Kendall, and then there are the little boxes known as the “Kendall Burbs.” Growing up here, I have seen and heard many different objections said about living in here in Kendall.

1. It is soooooooooooooooooooo far! Far from who? or what? My office is 4 miles, my children’s school is 1 mile, police department .5 miles, and Baptist Hospital 3 miles. Oh and most important my gym — 1.5 miles.

2. The traffic is horrific! Yes… but ask yourself compared to what? I-95 or the 836 (which, by the way, backs up now starting at 3:00 EVERY DAY! Isn’t that just splendid? I will take Kendall’s traffic over that any day. In Kendall we have NUMEROUS A-rated public schools, including Calusa and Devon-Aire now (K-8), and the best part is –they are FREE!!!!!! Now, I understand private school is a big personal choice, but for some, it is the only choice since the surrounding public schools are simply not that great.

Finally, let me tell you a little about my gated community Charlestowne:

  • total 187 homes and townhomes
  • price range $265,000 – $365,000. The $265 will buy you a townhome
    and the $365 will buy you a . . . 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house!
  • We have a clubhouse, community pool, tennis courts, basketball,
    and a new playground.
  • Our yards are 5,000 sq. feet
  • Living area is 1,792 in my 3-bedroom model (and we are PROUD to say
    now a family of 5).

Most important fact of all about living in Kendall: I have the most amazing neighbors in the world. I can HONESLY say that I love them every one of them. There are tons of children always playing outside and families walking together in the early evening, beautiful curb appeal, and a real sense of warmth and family togetherness exist behind our walled and gated community. With the slow market and a new baby, I am extremely grateful for my SMALL mortgage payment. So, on those days I need, and dream of, that bigger home . . . all I need to do is stand outside and remember why I love these ‘little boxes’, and am meant to be here today.

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