Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraiser

Please take a moment to read this Blog – You could help save a Life!  I am currently training for the Walt Disney Marathon in January with a group called Team in Training.  Every Saturday we meet at  6:00 AM to train our bodies to walk or run the 26 miles.  Every week we push ourselves a little bit more to go further and faster.  This past Saturday we reached the 7 Mile mark – only 19 more to go!

This experience has been both physically and mentally challenging.  As I walk with my group every Saturday I hear many stories of how this terrible disease has touched my teammates lives.  Some are survivors, others have only begun their fight, some have family members struggling to live and others have survived the loss loved ones.

I have made a commitment for my own time and effort, but I have also committed to raise $2,500.00 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I am asking for your help to reach that goal.  Please take a moment to go to my personal fundraising page at http://pages.teamintraining.org/sfl/wdw09/mvillamar and make a donation.  I appreciate any support that you can give towards this wonderful cause that will hopefully, some day, end the suffering and loss caused by this devastating disease.

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