Leaping leprechauns-Lisa Liotta Shaves it off!

In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, I wanted to share a story about a dear friend of mine and what a admirable woman she is…

This past Saturday, in celebration of St. Patrick’s day, court was held at Mickey Byrne’s Irish Pub in Hollywood, the celebration other than St. Patrick’s in an Irish Pub with a bunch of beer swiggers was in honor of a little 3 year old girl-Gabriella, who had cancer and other children who had cancer…

It was a festive fundraiser, it was a community event, a family affair to raise money. The charity was St. Baldrick’s and the event was head shaving…

Paul Mitchell and the Paul Mitchell salon graciously set up shop (Barber that is) and began chopping away…Bar staff, locals, Hollywood Police and Government officials lined up to take the chair…

There was a clown for kids with balloon making, good beer and great pub food…There was cheering , laughing and drinking…

The finale was when the beautiful Lisa Liotta, Hollywood’s own Downtown Deputy of the Hollywood CRA in her lime brocade suit, with her perfect coiffed hair took the stage, she was going to shave it all off….Wow, I had thought when I had received the email a few weeks before notifying me of the event. What a woman!

Gorgeously and graciously she sat as they shaved and her tresses fell to the ground and the bar roared, her 5 year old son sat next to her in admiration, knowing what a wonderful thing his Mother was doing for sick children. I was full of sheer admiration for my dear friend a dynamite lady who that day blew me away even more…

I spoke to her today and asked her how it was with out her locks? She laughed and said she has way more time in the mornings now and is considering keeping it short….

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