It's Great Stuff! Aventura Real Estate Inventory Going Down Every Month…This Is A Trend…

NEW FIGURES ARE OUT FOR MAY 09 AND THEY ARE REASSURING….for-sale-vs-sold-may-2009This chart shows a decrease in inventory,since April,  in Aventura, all properties, and that is a good sign.  As soon as these inventories get down to a manageable level, we will see prices start to stabilize.

As of now,prices are still declining and in some cases, they are where they were in 2003.  This is important information for buyers and sellers.  For buyers, great opportunities, affordable housing.

For sellers, it is information as to how to price your condo or home so you can sell and move on.average-price-per-foot

The average price of the properties selling is $316 down a little from last month at $324K. The price point of under 300k is the fastest growing price range in this market with 80% of sales being in this catagory.

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