Inexpensive High Quality Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything!

Look at your holiday gift list.  How many times do you say,”I have no idea what to get this person.  He/she already has everything that I could possible afford.”  I have a very easy answer!  For as little as $10 and one click of the mouse you can purchase animals or shares of animals to help people around the world obtain a sustainable source of food and income.

Heifer International, in business for nearly 60 years, has Cornerstones that form the acronym Passing on the Gifts. Recipients are taught about environment and sustainable development and agree to share the offspring of gift animals with others in need, making them equal partners with Heifer in the fight to end world hunger.  Animal well-being guidelines are strictly enforced with professional veterinary training staff.  You can even purchase trees, as I did in honor of my brother-in-law, or a share in seedlings.

America’s largest charity evaluator, Charity Navigator, indicates that Heifer uses only 6.6% of its income for administrative expenses.  The gift is even tax deductible; and you will receive a receipt in the mail as well as via email.

This year I purchased a flock of chickens, a flock of ducks, a flock of geese, honey bees, and a share in a Milk Menagery for my grandchildren, whose major needs in life are not for “things”. Yes, I’ll still be sending each a little something to put under the tree, but with it will be a card from Heifer about a really meaningful gift. Hopefully, this will also help to continue teaching them about giving.

Numerous videos are available for more information about this worthy project.

Are you ready to shop easily and inexpensively?  Or you can spend as much as you wish!  Here’s the gift catalogue. I hope you enjoy your shopping spree as much as I enjoyed mine.

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