In The Roads It's a Story of List and Sell

I was reviewing available listings today for a young family that was just referred to me.  I am focusing on The Roads area as

421 SW 28 Rd, The Roads (Miami)

421 SW 28 Rd, The Roads (Miami)

it is right in the heart of Miami, has a lot of charming homes and still offers major bang for your buck.

Incredulous, I noticed that of the 6 properties that came on the market during the month of September, 5 have already pended!  That is very quick turn-around time.  These were all shortsales or foreclosures at low prices.  This tells me that a whole sector of buyers has been waiting on the wings for these distressed properties to come available and has swooped them up.

The market is moving quickly once again.  To see what properties are available in the Roads and vicinity please click here.  To view all the homes click and scroll on the page number box at the upper right corner of the listing link.

If you are looking to buy or sell property in The Roads or vicinity please call or email me.  I know this area well and follow the market closely.  I can give you specific and current information on local market activity.

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