How a Massage Can Help You Sell Real Estate

body_pictures__174_[1]This is a trying business.  We frequently have to deal with massive frustration.  If it is not the internet or the copier then it is the myriad of people who we do not control that frequently create havoc in our lives and our pocketbooks.   We are lied to, stood up, and told that we’re not doing a good job or working for them, but  the trick to managing the frequent onslaught of aggression from within and without is to manage your attitude.

I’ve always thought that real estate offices should be equipped with psychologists and maybe a psychiatrist or two, but with the downturn in revenues I doubt that medical help will become a trend.   My idea instead is that we have a padded room where we can go, scream and hit things.  Maybe one of those punching bags would be good.  I doubt that the majority of offices are going to create this special room, so we’re back to having to manage ourselves.

I’m a firm believer that we should give ourselves time to feel sorry for ourselves.  Not too long, but a mourning so that we can let go, forgive and move on.    When we are having one of those bad days, there are lots of ways to change that day.  The simplest one is to CHANGE YOUR STATE.  You may not control the others in your life, but you can control yourself.  So after you have drown in a little self pity, go have a massage.  Get a pedicure.  Buy some new clothes.  Reward yourself.  Take some deep breaths, meditate, or  visualize your perfect paradise.  Ultimately you will feel pampered and will be better able to roll with the ups and downs of real estate and the variety of challenges that the field brings.

Take time to spoil yourself, then you will be ready for the “NEXT”.

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