Help! Why Am I Not Getting Offers?

For me, few things are sweeter than the sight of incoming mails in the morning. Part of my routine as of the last few weeks now includes sitting down and answering e-mails of all kinds from people reading my posts trying to stay in touch with our local real estate market (keep them coming!). Of the few I answered this morning, one stood out from the rest because it touched a very important subject that’s affecting a large portion of owners actively trying to sell in Brickell: Offers, or lack thereof.

The e-mail, which came from a woman named Emily read like this:

Hi Marcelo, my husband and I own a condo in Brickell and we’ve had it on the market for almost a year and as of today we are yet to get an offer. Initially we had some interest but as of the last few months we’re not even getting showings! We thought that we’d be able to sell by end of 2015 and now we’re about to end the first quarter of 2016. Are we doing something wrong? Why am I not getting offers? Please let us know if you have any suggestions and thank you – Emily


My first thought while reading this was: Ouch, one year is a very long time on the market. Since Emily didn’t mention which building she owns in or any other specific information, I unfortunately can’t provide a precise insight as to why her and her family have not yet sold their condo. Nevertheless, I still will provide several tips that can help sell any unit more effectively.

If you happen to be Emily or are going through a similar predicament then I dedicate this article to you. As always, if my staff and I can assist you any further let us know!

For our full list of tips please visit The Miami Observer Today!

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