For some people this is a dream, for us it's just Tuesday

A morning walk on the beach, then off to tennis, some shopping and a siesta outside overlooking the water before you fly home that night. Or, buy one of the more than 1800 condos for sale in Aventura and live the dream on Tuesday or any day of the week.

Yes, now is the time to buy in Aventura with an average of only 44 sales each month, it could take years for a seller to sell, unless of course they sell to you at a price well below market value.

How do I know? I live and work in Aventura and live the dream all year long. As a real estate agent, I know which units are selling and why. Those that are upgraded with beautiful kitchens and new bathrooms and below market prices are selling first. Those that need some work with drastically reduced prices are selling next. The other 1800 are just sitting there. Want to know which sellers are willing to sell below market value?

Lori Fein
[email protected]
305-336-1272 (Cell)

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