Christmas House Next Thursday evening, 12/16/2010, the  annual “Forest Ridge Home Decorating Awards” will be presented  to the most beautifully decorated homes in the Forest Ridge community.  Each sub-division of Forest Ridge will have a winner. 

This weekend  (12/11 and 12/12) the ladies of the Forest Ridge Women’s Club will be walking around FR in the evening to enjoy all the lovely decorations.  They will be making note of the addresses of their favorites,  so be ready!  The ladies will re-convene next Thursday to give out the awards to the winning homeowners!  They will also be caroling and spreading good cheer and we all know that the ladies of the FRWC enjoy their “cheer”!  (Transportation will be provided)

Forest Ridge Subdivisions include:
Chapel Hill
Hidden Hollow
Lake Park
North Orchard
Oak Grove
Oak Park
Old Orchard
Southern Orchard
The Ridge on Nob Hill

Good Luck to all and Happy Holidays.

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