Coral Gables Weekly Price Reductions

Fifteen Coral Gables price reductions posted this week with an average reduction of $47,750.00.  These new prices make these listings worth looking at again as the Seller’s are adjusting their prices and expectations to the most current sales numbers.  Here is a list ofa few properties, comparing their previous price to the current list price:

Address                                  List Price                     Prev.Price

3016 Alhambra Cr            $1,495,000                 1,550,000

1041 Catalonia Av               1,375,000                 1,425,000

8370 Ponce de Leon          1,695,000                 1,950,000

1030 Valencia Av               1,099,000                 1,150,000

680 Davis Rd                           998,000                   1,050,000

6100 Leonardo                     997,000                    1,049,000

510 Palermo                           910,000                        925,000

600 Minorca Av                   589,000                         629,000

600 Minorca 001

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