CORAL GABLES, FL….18 Hole Golf Tournament at The Biltmore Hotel


The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables Florida is a national historic landmark resort featuring luxury accommodations, an 18-hole championship golf course, 10 lighted tennis courts, a newly renovated spa, full-service fitness center, an array of fine restaurants and bars including the award-winning Palme d’Or, private wine cellar club, and the largest hotel swimming pool in the continental United States. The Biltmore is a member of National Trust Historic Hotels of

My daughter played in a 18-Hole Golf Tournament today at the Biltmore, a charity event of St Thomas Episcopal School, a private school in Coral Gables, Florida. She is a new golfer and this was her first time playing 18 holes. I am excited for her because she finished the 18 holes and didn’t come in last! I guess the golf clubs I got her from Alf’s Golf Shop turned out to be a great gift after-all.

There are beautiful homes close to The Biltmore Hotel that will entice the pickiest of buyers and I have enjoyed selling many of them over the years. I am excited about one of my listings that has just been completed and is ready to tour at 830 Catalonia Av. Coral Gables, Fl. by appointment or you can click here for a virtual tour .

I love making your real estate dreams come true! heart1.gif

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