Consumers Call the Shots

consumerBuyers today have all the power and they know it.  Anything that is not out of the ordinary just doesn’t cut the mustard.   They spend their money more judiciously and are only attracted to properties that offer value and are superior in their class.  They are more cautious and they take their time before making a decision.  Your home will be under greater scrutiny than ever before.  In order to earn their trust you must provide them with unmatched quality.  People now have more opportunity, power and awareness and they will not settle for anything less than what matches their needs, interests and desires.  They are not on shopping sprees.  If you have had more than your share of lookers and not one decent offer, ask your agent to show you the relevant sales in your neighborhood and consider what a buyer sees when making a comparison.  A new roof or air conditioner may be a selling point but it won’t add value to your home since roofs are required and most homes have air conditioners in South Florida. 

These are the rules of the New Economy and they apply not only to the sale of homes but to all products and services.   So, get a grip on reality and adjust your way of thinking because the old economy is not coming back.  You will know when you have priced your home to sell because you will have more than one qualified buyer bidding on your home.

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