Coconut Grove Homes Value Increased in 2011

Now that all the figures for 2011 Coconut Grove home sales have been reported I wanted to see how the final numbers compare to 2010. In both the north and south Grove single-family homes have increased in both average sale price and price per square foot.

Looking at figures for the North Grove the average sale price is $755,071, up from $702,515 in 2010. The per square foot average is up from 2010’s $249 to $263 . There were 51 sales in 2010 and 65 last year.

Year End North Coconut Grove Statistics

South Grove also had healthy increases in average sale price and per square foot average. In 2010 the average sale price was $938,698 ($282 per square foot) compared to last year’s $993,000 ($293 per square foot). There were 104 sales in 2011 and just 66 the year before.

Picture2 south grove

So far this year there have been 10 sales in the South Grove with an average square foot price of $297, and in the North Grove 7 sales at an average of $243 per square foot.

Coconut Grove is a unique village, and you need a hyper-local specialist working for you here. Whether you are selling, buying, renting or investing I can help you make the right decisions. Call me at 305 794.6570 or leave me a note.

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