Capital Markets and its effect on the Commercial Real Estate Industry

commercial_alliance_final.gifWill the turmoil in the capital markets derail the economy and bring the current commercial boom to a grinding halt? Or will we dodge another bullet and see slightly higher cap rates and LTV requirements?

The REALTORS® Commercial Alliance of NAR recently held a conference call with the help of noted real estate economist Peter Linneman, Ph.D. To hear what this real estate leader believes the future holds for commercial property owners, brokers, and managers click here. To view a full transcript of the call click here.

Bio – Dr. Linneman is the Alfred Sussman Professor of Real Estate, Finance, and Public Policy at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He also serves as a principal of both Linneman Associates and the American Growth Land Fund, a $100 million investment vehicle focusing on land development. His numerous publications include Real Estate Finance and Investment: Risk and Opportunities, which has been adopted by leading universities such as Yale, Brown, Columbia, and Wharton. His quarterly research newsletter, The Linneman Letter, is a valued source of market insights for many of the country’s leading real estate firms.

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