Canyon Ranch Investor Ready to Sell

The world’s finest total luxury branded lifestyle spa experience is finally ready to open it’s first residential experience and it will bring a whole new level of living to Miami Beach. mvc-005f.JPG This lifestyle has been extolled in their ultra-luxe spas in Tucson and the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts. And now you can actually live in a spa on a gorgeous Beach. One of the developer’s goals was to save the old Carillon Hotel and turn it into a resort spa and vacation paradise. The condo-hotel rooms are one or two bedroom suites that can be purchased and used or placed in the rental pool for guests from around the world. Above the tenth floor you can live full time in the Carillon building and enjoy full spa services as well as enjoying the exotic spa cuisine from three on -site restaurants.

For more permanent digs the South Tower features full size one, two and three bedroom apartments in a residential setting but still enjoying all the amenities.

This investor has five units under contract and is ready to negotiate. With one-bedroom hotel suites starting at $789,000 up to two bedroom, 1400 square foot apartments with wide oceanfront balconies ranging from $1,200,000 to $1,600,000 you might just find a whole new world of health and happiness.

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