Can you feel the Love?

I have discovered that this new market is bringing out different traits in people. The same people that were all smiles a couple years ago may be less so today. Yet many professionals seem to be more giving and more positive than ever.

I am the Sales Manager for the EWM Realtors Brickell Office and have been working for EWM for about 7 years and in Real Estate for 15. In this time I have seen many examples of behavior affecting the people in this business. Because in the end that’s what our industry is. People.

We have all been verbally beat up on occasion and when it happens it can really bring you down. But hey, this is Real Estate in a big city right? We’re supposed to be tough, right?
But when it happens it can catch you off guard and take a couple of days to bounce back to the fully positive professional you normally are. This happened to me once.

While I was still a bit shaken from the experience something wonderful happened. I was looking at life with a fresh and more objective viewpoint. And I noticed something. I have some of the most amazing and kind people around me. People that just happen to be my team of Realtors. They are constantly trying to be helpful and caring with their customers, their community and with me their manager. Despite all the hoopla they seem to be more upbeat and positive than ever. Considering my office is surrounded by condos this is truly impressive.

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And lately I have been spending time with Realtors from other companies. I am putting together a Brickell Group Round Table so agents in my area can come together to share their listings, talk about the market, the revitalization of Downtown Miami and much much more. Since I started putting this group together I have been amazed by these agents and how helpful and caring they are.

Claudia was one agent I invited to lunch who insisted on buying me lunch. Another agent Rosy sent me a bamboo plant the next day for good luck with a beautifull card. The list goes on.

During this changing market is when you see what people are really made of. And I am glad to report that in my case I have been blessed to be surrounded by amazing Realtors.

Can you feel the Love? I can 🙂

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