All This Talk About Diets

I started dieting for health reasons two years ago and followed three very simple steps and my bad cholesterol level went down to normal. However, it works for those looking to lose weight too. Follow these rules and stick to them no matter what and you will see results in a month, ask anyone in the SWB office. First, stay away from any and all sugar and bread, period. Substitute with splenda and wheat or whole grain. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. And if you drink alcohol, mix with diet soda and drink only low carb beers like Bud Select. Why bread? Because even though it’s not a sugar at first, your body converts it to sugar after consumption. Second, take at least 3000 milligrams of omega 3 fish oil every day with a meal. And don’t get cheap either, get the good stuff. And finally, hit the gym or do some cardio at least twice a week. Think of it as a reward. Why? Because you are allowed to cheat on your diet after a workout, within reason of course, with carbs! For those who need motivation or advice contact me. It will work for holidays too. For instance, if you’re eating a turkey dinner, go with a sweet potato instead of stuffing or baked potato. Add brown rice instead of white, a big no no. And for god’s sake, lay off the dessert unless it’s sugar free. They are available and you will not be able to tell the difference. Good luck.BRK

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