All that Jazz!

Miami will have a Jazz Festival, at last! Miami Jazz Fest is scheduled for November 17-18 at Bayfront Park. The organizer of the Jazz Festival, Carmen Cartiglia, has reserved Bayfront Park for the weekend before Thanksgiving for 5 years. Miami has a history of a very happening jazz scene. ( China Valles, WDNA, the Checkmate, the Sunshine Jazz Organization, Pat Metheny, Ira Sullivan, Carmen Lundi, Jaco Pastorius, Randy Bersen ) Shelly Berg, the Dean of the School of Music at the University of Miami, is a phenomenal pianist. The UM jazz department keeps playing and mentoring the next generation. There are some new clubs opening, which is encouraging. The Miami Jazz Fest may be just the impetus needed to put Miami on the map as a jazz destination.

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