A Pinterest For The Home Decorator

Houzz.com, the largest database of home design ideas on the net, is the perfect website to find ideas for decorating a new home or sprucing up an old one. It’s like a pinterest just for your home decorating needs and it’s FREE. The website holds over 400,000 high resolution photos for all of your decorating needs and is accessible from your iPhone or iPad. Get ideas and create room boards all on their secure website without searching through thousands of websites. Houzz.com brings the ideas to you. They make it easy to search, save and share your favorite rooms and décor. Discussion boards on the site let you chat with others about the rooms you like and get tips directly from the designers.

One of the newest features of the site is the green tags which are placed in the rooms by the professional who designed them. Click on a tag to find out where you can find that item and how much it costs.

Not only does Houzz.com offer loads of pictures and ideas, but you can also search for local designers, architects and contractors. Filter your searches to include rooms styled by only local designers, or keep it broad to include everything under the sun. You can keep your ideabooks private so only you can see them, or you can open them up so others can follow your style. Not so into the do-it-yourself attitude? Visit Houzz.com’s professional section to view a complete list of suppliers, remodeling and design professionals for hire.

Whether you are looking for an interior designer or are just looking to find some great decorating ideas, Houzz will help

By John Thompson, Intero Real Estate Services, Inc.

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