Tips for a Healthy & Happy Life – #1

All Hail FIBER!!! It’s not only for regularity…

For those of us who don’t have time to read a whole book on colon cleansing and diets, here is the scoop:

One of the key components to energy, good metabolism and a good immune system is a healthy colon. Consuming enough fiber has also been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer, slow the release of sugar into the blood stream and help keep you fuller longer.

Best sources:

-vegetables (especially celery and roughage)

-flax seeds mixed into a beverage (preferably a beverage with no sugar in it)

-psyllium husk (I take one tablespoon mixed into a glass of water before each meal)

-fruit is high in fiber, but can be high in sugar

Any of these can be purchased at a grocery store. Psyllium husk is the key ingredient in Metamucil, but the natural form is free of additives and chemicals.

With a diet that is low in simple sugars and high in lean proteins and vegetables, fiber can play a significant role in weight loss.

To make this work for you:

Instead of trying to drastically change your diet, ADD to it. Eat at least 2 servings of vegetables/salad with each meal and/or add a fiber supplement before you eat.

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