Back in 2000, when my husband told me that he’d been approached by a headhunter for a job in Miami, I was horrified and told him not to even return the phone call! You see, I’m from North Carolina, went to a small liberal arts college in Tennessee (Sewanee) and then lived in Atlanta for 12 years. I’m a Southerner — I had never entertained the idea of living in the state of Florida much less South Florida! Much to my surprise, we have been very happy here in Coral Gables and have fully immersed ourselves in the City Beautiful. Our children attend fantastic (public) schools, we love our church, there are a great group of (can you believe it) Southern girls here and — almost 8 years later — we are alive and well in Miami! So… if you are relocating to Miami and wonder how in the world you will ever fit in here, give me a call. I’d love to show you around, introduce you to my friends, tell you about all the great neighborhoods, help you find a great Coral Gables house and make you feel welcome!

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