Brickell se ha transformado!!!!!!!
Brickell ha sido una de las zonas de la ciudad que mas ha cambiado en los ultimos anos.Yo personalmente llevo 11 anos viviendo aqui en Brickell y he visto no solo como se ha transformado el skyline de la ciudad
One of the greatest pleasures of living in Miami is being in one of the few places in the continental U.S. where tropical plants grow all year-round. Opened in 1938, the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden was inspired by the life
Si vives en Aventura, no necesitas un carro. Imaginate, no hay que pelear por parqueos, no hay que gastar dinero en gasolina, y tantas otras conveniencias.Sabias que hay un bus que se llama “Aventura Express” que te lleva por toda
If you live in Aventura, you don’t need a car ! Imagine, no looking for parking spots, no spending money on gas, and so many other conveniences. Did you know there is a bus called “Aventura Express” that rides all
Estaba manejando y cambiando de estaciones de radio buscando algo bueno, como hacemos tantas veces que escuchamos la radio, verdad? Por casualidad al ir cambiando de repente escucho “Aventura”. Pues claro que entonces el oir el nombre de Aventura me
I was driving and turning stations on my radio, like so many of us do when we don’t like what we are listening, right? And then by chance I hear “Aventura”. So of course it called my attention because Aventura
Best School District in Miami, FL – Boundaries, Scores, School Links
Moving to Miami poses many questions to the relocating family. The most important among them is, “Will my child be in a good school district?” Schools in Miami-Dade County are “graded” from “A” to “F”. The best all-around school district
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