Market Statistics? Not So Much.

I love what I do. I love the hunt – whether it’s working to entice a buyer or searching for that ‘just right’ home for the couple I met at Kennedy Park in Coconut Grove. Long before this became my career I was visiting open houses on Sundays. I may have been a voyeur at that time, or living vicariously through those owners, but something was calling me.

Now, with almost twenty years experience as a Realtor and a challenge/assignment to write about market statistics, I find myself up against a wall. A plan to study my favorite area to work, the north end of Coconut Grove, has been problematic. None of our tools will allow me to narrow my search to just this location. Not Trendgraphics, not the Realtor Association of Miami-Dade County, not, and not MLXchange.

I’ve tried to tweak things. I’ve printed reports and written pages of notes. I’ve studied the relatively few, but very good, blogs on our site. There are some really talented agents in our company who know how to use Excel and where to get the information I can’t find, but I’m no closer to making a contribution than I was five days ago.

So, what this means to me is this: I am a Realtor. I know how to price and prepare a home for sale, and have an uncanny ability to find people the right home. I know the schools, the dry cleaner who does suede the best, where to take the out-of-town family members to show Miami to it’s best advantage. I know everything about this crazy and great city; I just don’t know how to show you with market statistics!

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