How practical, you don't need a car if you live in Aventura.

If you live in Aventura, you don’t need a car ! Imagine, no looking for parking spots, no spending money on gas, and so many other conveniences. Did you know there is a bus called “Aventura Express” that rides all over Aventura taking people to food shopping, to the different strip centers, to Walgreens, Aventura Mall and more. Take a look at their schedule and stops.

This is a wonderful free, yes free, transportation convenience that you have when you live in Aventura. I wish all cities would make this same type of arragements. Can you imagine how many cars we would eliminate from the roads? I think that the city of Sunny Isles should make the same type of arrangement so that they can ease the roads when all the towers are built.

Being a Realtor in the area of Aventura and Sunny Isles, I have enjoyed seeing how these cities have grown in the last 25 years. It is like seeing a child grow and blossom. But with the growth come the growing pains like what to do with the congestion of so many cars. So if you live in Aventura and can use the Aventura Express, take advantage !

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