Gabby Giffords' Attack and Why It Is a Turning Point In American Discourse And A New Morning In America

guadalupe mountains sunriseAfter reading so many newspaper articles and blogs and hearing hundreds of remarks on television, I hesitated before I wrote about this fateful event.  I thought everything that could ever be said was said.

But, maybe this hasn’t been said, yet.  Something had to happen to stop the loud chatter, the doomsday scenerios, the angry and sad mood of the country.  Unfortunately, these people who were killed and injured in Tucson had to be sacrificed so that we can become a better country.

I read today, that Rep. King a Republican from New York is pushing for strong gun control.  The House of Representatives stopped their time wasting votes on repealing health care. 

The hate mongering cable news hosts are covering their backs, denying any responsibility, but they are aware that just maybe they stirred the pot too viciously.

I came across more than four programs devoted to examining the causes and treatments of mentally ill people in this country and how badly our system is of diagnosing and treating them and how much better other countries are in handling the very real illness that mental illness is.

We have a lot of work ahead, to make this country safer for all of us.

I hope this will lead to a bright new morning in America.

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