East Meets West-Farsi Spoken Here!

What started out as my goal to obtain a four -year higher education turned into a thirty-year love affair.

Imagine the cultural challenges of a young teen leaving the comforts of home from half way around the world to a new world of extreme lifestyles,divers religions and varied aspirations.

As a proud Iranian-American, I now confidently call Miami “home”—Miami-a place where multi-cultural living is intertwined with the tropical colors of her urban and suburban lifestyles. Where else in the world can you be seriously shopping in the morning, sunning on one of her beautiful white sand beaches late afternoon, and boarding a jet to New York by evening!

Living in Miami has afforded me growth both personally and professionally. It is in Miami that I enjoy the unique freedom this great country has to offer blended with rich fabric of my own heritage, culture and native language of Farsi, I sincerely can say “doostet daram, Miami” which means “I love you, Miami !”

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