There are currently 47 homes on the market in Cocoplum totaling: $196,908,000. These beautiful estates range from $1,195,000 ($275.35 per square foot) to $16,900,000 ($1,465.36 per square foot), with an average list price of $619 per square foot.
There are currently 2 pending sales totaling $7.6 M, and so far this year 4 homes have closed totaling $12,269,000. This is a great start for Cocoplum in the first quarter of the year! Last year Cocoplum closed close to $40 M in sales. It seems this year is following suit!
To see a list of homes for sale in Cocoplum, click the “Cocoplum Listings” tab at the top of the page. If you have any questions about Miami Real Estate or would like to buy or sell a home please contact us at 305.329.7728 or email us by clicking the “contact” tab at the top of the page.