Cheech and I – The importance of having a Purpose in Life

The lofty title of course leads you to ponder notions of my countless community activities. However in essence this little commentary is about the Humane Society and my appreciation for those who dedicate their lives to helping those without a voice. Let me take you through my enlightening journey.

Well, here I am – a transplant from Connecticut. Missing the warm ocre, orange colors of home. Missing my warm cuddly sweaters fringed in autumn colors. Missing the smell of the wood burning stoves caressing the air while walking through the briskly cold, tree-lined streets. Most of all missing my family and sense of family, I felt lonely. Encountering every day with the same struggle of prospecting, looking at those expireds and of course the all consuming despair of having to make money, I needed something, something uplifting which makes me laugh and smile.

So a Saturday morning, I woke my fiancee with a forceful push (which of course did not go over very well) But anyway, I said let’s get a kitten! That also did not go over very well at first. So now we are battling whether we are going to purchase a purebred, state-of-the-art, great dane (Men! HUH) or a cute cuddly kitten or puppy at the Humane Society. As usual, I eventual won the battle of wills and off we were to the Humane Society.

Excited with the anticipation, we arrive and enter the double doors. What a beautiful site all the new parents hugging their new pets. It was so uplifting to feel the love in that sterile building.

Waltzing through the dozens of aisles of puppies, kittens and older animals, all I remember were their round, pure, innocent eyes looking up to these strangers waiting to be adopted. Now we are ready to adopt all of them and felt guilty turning any away. Finally, we agreed upon getting a kitten (as I first wanted:))

It was as love at first sight with this grey and white cotton ball with two big green eyes. We were escorted by the volunteer to a room where we had to observe if there was a bond between this little spitfire and us. By the 3rd second Cheech was in my fiancee’s lap sprinting like a bunny rabbit. That was it – Cheech was Adopted.

As we walked out, I called my mother ready to share my happiness and she said one small phrase, “Feel proud, you have just saved a life today.” From that day on I have cherished every moment, every smile that Cheech offers us and have volunteered my time to those small souls who exist only to love those who take care of them.

Look carefully below and you’ll see our Angel. Try to guess who is Cheech…


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