Buyers will wait too long AGAIN!

The time is here…….sellers have reduced prices, are offering to pay closing costs, there’s more inventory to pick from and the interest rates are still low!

So, where are the buyers…..waiting for “the bottom”???

As in past adjustment periods in the market, the buyers may miss the best time to buy because they wait too long. The media will also miss “the bottom” because it continues to “horriblize” instead of advising the public of the great opportunity buyers have to maximize their purchasing power in this market.

Well, the deals are here and NOW.

Click here to read more about buying in a “down market”.

We work with sellers who are realistic about the market and are offering great incentives such as paying closing costs, buying down the interest rates, seller financing, etc. We can direct buyers to mortgage information for 100% financing and new loan options.

With interest rates predicted to rise in the coming months, those waiting for the right time to buy need to take action.

If you need assistance, feel free to call 305-775-4534.

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