What better time than today, the middle of March to give advice to homeowners in Aventura and elsewhere in south Florida.
- Advice for Buyers….Now is the best time to buy in a decade or more. Interest rates are low but they will be rising soon. All indications are that banks see a rise in the very near future
- Advice for Buyers…..PRICES ARE VERY LOW…THE LOWEST IN TEN YEARS…Take advantage of the terrific deals available.
- Advice for Sellers…. Your asking price should be very realistic and should be slightly below the last sale. Prices are not going up. They are still going down and when the foreclosures reach the market in a few months, prices will go even lower.
- Advice for Sellers….Dress your home for success. Remove all unnecessary personal items. Remove all unnecessary furniture and accessories that hide the true character and form of your home. REMEMBER….buyers want to visualize themselves in the space. They need to see the space
- Advice for Sellers…Live in the present. Yesterday’s prices are just that. They may not come back for many years. They are best forgotten
If these rules are taken seriously, the market will move. Sales will increase and the activity will give health and vitality to the real estate market place.
I have seen townhomes sell in one month when priced right in the Waterways in Aventura. The townhomes that are overpriced have been on the market for a year or more with no activity.
Take a look at the properties on my site and call today to see these great homes.