Habitat for Humanity COMPLETES 52-House SCOTT-CARVER PROJECT

In an event taking place on January 26 at 2:00 PM on the corner of NW 69th Street and NW 21st Court, Habitat for Humanity will join government and community leaders, sponsors, volunteers and homeowners in celebrating the culmination of Habitat’s work in the Scott-Carver community.

Seventy-five percent of the new Habitat homeowner families are former residents of Scott-Carver, returning to the neighborhood after they were displaced seven years ago when the barracks-style complexes were demolished.

The ceremony will also wrap up the annual Blitz Build (January 14-26), during which the last ten Scott-Carver homes were built in two weeks with the help of more 2,000 volunteers.

Players from the Miami Heat will lend a hand on construction, and the marching band from state champion Miami Northwestern High School will deliver a musical performance. Also performing from the community will be the Winds of Heritage Dance Ensemble, the Voices of Heritage Vocal Ensemble, the Singing Angels of Arcola Lakes, the St. Paul Lutheran School Choir, and the Central Bible Choir.

Please spread the word, and if you have any questions I can be reached directly at (305)674 – 4066 Thank you.

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